Our 2025 EFN seed catalogue is now live! Featuring over 130 new varieties and over 640 total varieties, sourced from over 50 different growers from across the country. Huge thanks to all of our growers, volunteers, and to our stellar seed-house team in Minnesota! Each of you make this work possible.

Tall Bellflower

Tall Bellflower

Regular price $3.75 Sale

Campanulastrum americanum

Origin: Eastern United States

Improvement status: Wild

Seeds per packet: ~1,500


Lifecycle: Annual or Biennial 

Native to eastern and central North America. An exotic looking flower on a single erect stem, reaching 3-5 feet tall culminating with clusters of 1 inch wide blue flowers at the top. The blue flowers have a cream colored ring, which encircles a long, curved pistil, that extends past petals, lending an exotic flair. Found along moist woodland edges. It can do well in partial to full shade, and medium to medium-wet soils. Annual but readily self seeds under appropriate growing conditions. Blooms July through September.

GROWING TIPS: Cold stratify for 30 days or fall sow.