Zinnia elegans
Origin: Mexico (via Utah and Washington)
Improvement status: Breeding population
Seeds per packet: ~40
Germination tested 11/2024: 98%
Life cycle: Perennial
We're thrilled to be offering this spectacular zinnia mix from our friend Jennifer Williams of Wild Dreams Farm in Washington State. She's been selecting these from a population called 'Another Word for Pink' grown by our mutual friends James Young and Guy Banner of Grand Prismatic Seeds in Utah. Here's what Jennifer has to say about this population:
"All the pinks are represented in this very diverse Zinnia mix. Smaller 2” blooms in such a wide variation make this Zinnia wonderful to harvest. No two are alike! Gets 4’ tall. Likes warmth and sun. Direct sow or transplant in warm soils. Seed ¼” deep and thin to 12”... I don't see this flower as a breeding project where I am trying to select for a specific color or trait down the road but any grower sure could! I love the mix and plan to keep it this way, letting the pollen and genes wander how they choose."
As the picture here shows, some of these flowers have hundreds of small petals, looking like a zinnia crossed with a chrysanthemum! Enjoy!