Callicarpa dichotoma
Origin: East Asia (via New York)
Improvement status: Cultivated
Seeds per packet: ~50
Life cycle: Perennial
Similar to American Beautyberry, this East Asian species has a more weeping form, smaller leaves, and is usually more densely covered in bright purple berries. It's more cold hardy too, down to Zone 5. A striking ornamental shrub, it also is covered with dainty pink flowers weeks before its showy purple berries arrive.
Our seed comes from the good folks at Sheffield's Seeds in Locke, NY.
GROWING TIPS: Seeds require no cold stratification, but germination might be improved by 30-60 days in the fridge. Sow seeds 1/16th of an inch deep. Plant in full sun to partial shade.
NOTE: Image of blossoms comes from user Dalgial and is shared
under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.