'Mr. Majestic Double' Marigold

'Mr. Majestic Double' Marigold

Regular price $4.00 Sale

Tagetes patula

Origin: Mexico & Guatemala

Improvement status: Cultivar

Seeds per packet: ~25

Germination tested 12/2022: 89%

Life cycle: Annual

We got these lovely marigolds from Frank Morton at Wild Garden Seeds in Oregon. Here's what he says about it:

"Extravagant yellow and maroon doubled flowers make me think of Mr. Fancypants. These low-growing productive marigolds start blooming early in summer and carry on until frost. Like other French marigolds, these produce root exudates that are the organic alternative to chemical nematicides. Dye from the petals are colorfast rust-toned, and the doubled flowers give you more dye for your effort."