'Maule's Philadelphia Butter' Lettuce
'Maule's Philadelphia Butter' Lettuce

'Maule's Philadelphia Butter' Lettuce

Regular price $3.50 Sale

Lactuca sativa

Origin: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Improvement status: Cultivar

Seeds per packet: ~125

Germination tested 08/2024: 98%

Life cycle: Annual

This old heirloom was developed by Philadelphia seedsman William Henry Maule from the variety 'California Cream Butter' which was released by W. Atlee Burpee in 1888. In the 1890s, Maule's selection became incredibly popular, especially for growing under cold frame during winter. From Maule's 1902 catalogue (in which seed packets cost just 5 cents): "A main reliance in the great markets of this city. Solid heads of large size; white, tender, crisp and of good flavor. A very hardy variety, well adapted to culture in cold frame in winter; also suitable for forcing or for open air culture."

These seeds were grown by Dr. William Woys Weaver's Roughwood Seed Collection.

GROWING TIPS: Direct seed 1/8-1/4 inch deep in rows a 12-16 inches apart. Or transplant in healthy starts. Plants should be 12-15 inches apart. Plant late summer for fall/winter harvest, or early spring.