Lofthouse Landrace Dry Bush Beans
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Phaseolus vulgaris
Origin: Paradise, Utah
Improvement status: Landrace
Seeds per packet: ~30
Germination tested 10/2024: 81%
Life cycle: Annual
Another gem from Joseph Lofthouse, Landrace Seedsman, in high-altitude Paradise, Utah. Like all of Joseph's seeds, these are super resilient and contain an abundance of genetic diversity. From Joseph:
"A landrace containing hundreds of varieties of dry beans. Bred to mature quickly in a cold mountain valley. Contains old heirlooms and new segregating hybrids. Growth habit tends toward bush beans or short-vines which don't climb poles. Plants with super-long or twining vines are culled. The beans mature in about 75 to 90 days. I often harvest the food crop about ten days after the plants are killed by fall frost. These have been selected for easy threshing using human scale techniques like beating with a stick or stomping with feet. I typically harvest and thresh at the same time by pulling up the dry plant and beating it against the inside of a garbage can. These are great used in chili, bean soup, or refried beans. When used in soups, some seeds stay firm no matter how long they are cooked while others disintegrate to make a rich broth. I plant a week or two after the last expected spring frosts. This variety is a plant breeder's dream. There is so much diversity that something is likely to do well anywhere that it is grown. There are plenty of traits, colors, textures, and tastes from which to select while using this as the progenitor of new varieties. Selected by Joseph Lofthouse to thrive under subsistence level growing conditions without pesticides or fertilizers."
This variety carries the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) pledge, which states: “You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict other's use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.” More information on OSSI can be found at osseeds.org.
GROWING TIPS: Plant after danger of frost is past. 3" apart in rows about 18" to 30" apart. Mostly bush beans, with some semi-sprawling types.