Plantago maritima
Origin: Hermit Island, Maine
Improvement status: Wild
Seeds per packet: ~40
Life cycle: Perennial
This is a diverse mix of the best-tasting wild sea plantains growing at the legendary and spectacular Hermit Island campground (actually a peninsula), on Casco Bay in Maine, collected by Nate. Sea plantain is a wild perennial related to the plantain commonly used to treat mosquito bites and other stings and itches. This species is similarly medicinal, but also much better tasting as a vegetable. The somewhat succulent leaves keep for days off the plant unrefrigerated, and they grow in saline soils, which is potentially a valuable trait in places where irrigation has left soils too salty for many plants. We believe sea plantain has great potential as a domesticated perennial vegetable crop, but it's going to need a lot of time and attention.
Please join us in working to domesticate this awesome perennial vegetable!