Our 2025 EFN seed catalogue is now live! Featuring over 130 new varieties and over 640 total varieties, sourced from over 50 different growers from across the country. Huge thanks to all of our growers, volunteers, and to our stellar seed-house team in Minnesota! Each of you make this work possible.

'Georgian Crystal' Hardneck Seed Garlic

'Georgian Crystal' Hardneck Seed Garlic

Regular price $14.00 Sale

***Estimated mid-September shipping

Allium sativum

Origin: Republic of Georgia

Improvement status: Cultivar

Life cycle: Perennial (grown as a biennial)

Weight and price options:

1/2 pound: $14

1 pound: $25.50

We're very excited to be offering the popular 'Georgian Crystal' porcelain garlic this year. It's large, beautiful, and super resilient. Stands up to most of the common pests and diseases that can afflict garlic, and is very cold hardy (but also reportedly thrives in the South!). Originally from Cichisdzhvari in the Republic of Georgia, it found its way to the US via Gatersleben IPK, the main seed bank in Germany. 'Georgian Crystal' has a mild flavor when raw or fermented and a delicious buttery flavor when roasted. It's considered a very long-storing garlic. Known to produce a few large cloves (4-8), rather than many small ones, it's easy to use in the kitchen (the skin comes off easily), and it sends up a nice plump scape for an additional crop. The bulbs are quite lovely to look at too, with shiny white skin, sometimes streaked with purple on the inner layers.

Our 'Georgian Crystal' seed garlic was produced by Andrew and Jacob Helling of Twin Organics in Northfield, MN. Jacob and Andrew also grow most of the vegetable plant starts for Colty, Kierra, and Dusty's garden center, Agrarian Seed and Garden, in Minneapolis.