Our 2025 EFN seed catalogue is now live! Featuring over 130 new varieties and over 640 total varieties, sourced from over 50 different growers from across the country. Huge thanks to all of our growers, volunteers, and to our stellar seed-house team in Minnesota! Each of you make this work possible.

'Gbognome' Nightshade Greens

'Gbognome' Nightshade Greens

Regular price $3.75 Sale

Solanum macrocarpon

Origin: Togo

Improvement status: Cultivar

Seeds per packet: ~25

Germination tested 08/2024: 82%

Life cycle: Annual

Featured in Dr. William Woys Weaver's book 100 Vegetables and Where They Came From, this fascinating plant has rarely been offered for sale or even trade in this country. Originally from Togo, though the species itself is believed to originate in India, Gbognome (pronounced bog-NO-may) produces beautiful green fruits ripening to yellow, which are supposedly edible (if very bitter) when picked and cooked in their green stage, but these are not the prime attraction. Gbognome is grown for its tasty and nutritious young leaves. Dr. Weaver, from whom we got our seeds, advises cooking the leaves (which develop thorns on the spine once too mature) in water like spinach and reserving the cooking stock as a base for soup. His wonderful book contains a few great recipes for this plant.

Dusty grew this in 2020 for the first time in some years and was thoroughly and righteously impressed with the flavor of these greens! He would flash fry them with olive oil, salt and pepper, on relatively high eat. Very quick. So good! With some eggs and toast! I am telling you, you need to try these greens!!

NOTE: This species is known to contain potentially harmful glycoalkaloids, though levels are presumed to be minimal in the young leaves. Potatoes and tomatoes also contain these chemicals, some of which may actually have anticarcinogenic effects, but nevertheless, we recommend growers only consume the fruit of this plant in moderation. We believe the cooked leaves are safe, as their traditional use in Africa indicates.

GROWING TIPS: Start seeds indoors in March or early April. Plant out in field after danger of last frost. Space plants 16-24 inches apart.