Homs 11 Tomato
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Solanum lycopersicum
Origin: Homs, Syria
Improvement status: Landrace
Seeds per packet: ~20
Germination tested 08/2024: 97%
Life cycle: Annual
This gorgeous tomato was collected in Homs, Syria, by C.O. Eyer of the Near East Foundation in 1949 or earlier. We originally got the seeds from the USDA's National Plant Germplasm System in 2014.
Homs has been one of the cities most devastated by the civil war in Syria and is known for being a hotbed of resistance to Syria's oppressive government. It has also long been a major agricultural center. We were deeply touched to learn from a friend who was serving as an aid worker in Lebanon's Beqaa Valley that she brought some EFN 'Homs 11' seeds to refugees there from Homs itself and it meant the world to them. They were so grateful for this unexpected reminder of their lost home.
'Homs 11' produces flat, severely fasciated (ribbed), bright red fruits on sprawling, indeterminate plants. These tomatoes are not long-keepers, so they may not be best suited for market farmers, but for the home gardener they are wonderful — with a strong, somewhat tart heirloom tomato flavor. Being from Syria, the plants are extremely drought and heat tolerant. These seeds were grown ecologically in Pennsylvania by our friends at Truelove Seeds.
GROWING TIPS: Start seeds indoors in March or early April, transplant outside after danger of last frost. Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart. They will benefit from a trellis or tomato cage. Full sun preferred.