'Caramel Yellow' Onion

'Caramel Yellow' Onion

Regular price $3.75 Sale

Allium cepa

Origin: North Dakota

Improvement status: Breeding population

Seeds per packet: ~260

Germination tested 11/2023: 89%

Life cycle: Biennial

From our friend Frank Kutka, professor at the College of Menominee Nation, 'Caramel Yellow' is an open-pollinated, mid-season, long-day onion population developed in North Dakota that stores very well. These yellow onions have a parentage that includes both open-pollinated and hybrid varieties from the USA, and early, long storing open-pollinated varieties from Russia and the USDA collection. This is a highly diverse population, so it's perfect for future breeding and adaptation efforts. We're certainl you'll find these onions delicious too!

Disclaimer: Frank forgot to take photos of the this onion, so this photo is from the Wikimedia Commons, from the user Andrew c.