'Wild Dreams' Kale

'Wild Dreams' Kale

Regular price $4.00 Sale


Brassica olerecea

Origin: Vashon Island, Washington

Improvement status: Cultivar

Seeds per packet: ~100

Germination tested 11/2023: 88%

Life cycle: Biennial

We're excited to be bringing this new broad-leafed winter kale to a wider audience. Bred by Jennifer Williams of Wild Dreams Farm on Vashon Island, Washington, working alongside Ryan Wheeler, a member of the Vashon Seed Growers Network, 'Wild Dreams' kale is a relatively stable new variety that began with a diverse mix of kale from our friends at Wild Garden Seeds in Oregon.

Here's how Jen describes it:

"This kale what started off my seed love and plant breeding experiments! From a wonderfully fun kale breeding project about six years ago with Ryan Wheeler this variety emerged from many different winter kales that cross pollinated for three seasons in a row until the genetics mostly settled on this leaf shape and color. This kale grows best as a winter kale as it gets sweet and bounces back after a frost, holds well through the soggy winter months to emerge strong in the spring with new growth and abundant florets for seed production and snacking. This kale has naturalized at Wild Dreams Farm and pops up everywhere, producing a marketable crop that I do nothing to start. They grow when they are ready and I thank them every day!

Original seed from a genetically diverse population from Wild Garden Seeds. My first original farm variety pledged to the Open Source Seed Initiative."

This variety carries the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) pledge, which states: “You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict other's use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.” More information on OSSI can be found at osseeds.org.

GROWING TIPS: Plant in early spring for summer harvests, or in late July for fall and winter harvests. 30 days for baby leaf, 65 days for full-size greens. Biennial.