Our 2025 EFN seed catalogue is now live! Featuring over 130 new varieties and over 640 total varieties, sourced from over 50 different growers from across the country. Huge thanks to all of our growers, volunteers, and to our stellar seed-house team in Minnesota! Each of you make this work possible.

Blue Wild Indigo (Southern WV Ecotype)
Blue Wild Indigo (Southern WV Ecotype)

Blue Wild Indigo (Southern WV Ecotype)

Regular price $3.75 Sale

Baptisia australis

Origin: Eastern and Central US

Improvement status: Wild

Seeds per packet: ~70

Germination tested 11/2023: 40% (very likely some hard and dormant seed in this lot, but 40% actually germinated with our own in-house test)

Life cycle: Herbaceous Perennial

A native garden standard. The most widespread used Baptisia with distinctive blue/indigo spikes of pea-like flowers adding early color to native plantings. Also called Blue False Indigo or simply by its Latin name, Baptisia. Give the plant a few years and ample space to fill into its upright, almost shrubby form. A host plant to pollinators and butterflies. Very low maintenance once established, with a long taproot, tolerant of a range of soil types. What’s not to love about Baptisia!?

4'hx3'w. Medium Soil. Full-Part Sun. Blue bloom May-July. 

These seeds were produced by our friends at Ernst Conservation Seeds in Meadville, PA.

Growing Tips: Cold Stratify 10 days, scarify. Or Fall seed.